Category Archives: random thoughts

beats and feats

it\'s more embarrassing than you might think..tagged.. like one of those sad looking bears on discovery, i’ve been tagged. (as a note, i found a picture after i thought of the bear thing.. i have to meet this cartoonist of the same mindset..)

so, for those of you too lazy to track down the current trail or who aren’t already familiar with it, let me just tell you that being tagged is a bit like playing truth or dare.. except no one ends up making out in the closet. essentially, i share seven things about me that are relatively unknown.. and then i tell seven more people to do the same.

but, for those inquisitive minds: angie tagged me, she was tagged by ouiser, she was tagged by feathernester, and she was tagged by snarkygirl.. who i don’t know at all but i do know she sleeps with her feet out of the covers.. which freaks me out. really.

i’ll break out of character for a bit and fore go my typical disclaimers.. and we’re off to the wonderfully drab world of paulo.

i don't know her.. but that's where i sat
i don't know her.. but that's where i sat

1. on wednesday mornings for the fall of 2001, from 2-5am in the morning, i, along with punk-wanna-be kc, had a hap-hazard radio show on wmsr. msr as in miami student radio (so.. rainbows weren’t plastered all over the site when we were there.. just a historical note). it was a strange time in my life: i was being sweetly convinced by my girlfriend at the time that i had a great voice and i was trying to give up my habit of always getting cookies-n-cream from handles. somehow this opening seemed to satisfy both. kc was there and, having been from my high school, we naturally banded together since, despite kc’s attempts to be cool and calm, we were both a bit nervous about the whole thing.. college, radio, people, the girl playing with my hair with her bare foot, all that. we were so frazzled, actually, that when they asked what time slots people wanted, we jumped at the chance to grab the first open spot we knew we could get, 2-5am wednesdays. the student leader looked at us, “really?!” the look on his face reminded us how crazy we were but, despite our back-pedalling (“well, i mean, as a second option.. if it’s the only thing open.. you know.. heh”), he was more than happy to ink us in. and thus began the short illustrious career in radio, pjv as a dj, c? we had a huge audience of about twenty.. total people who’d tune in out of pity or drunken confusion.

we were cool. we rocked it with the door open
we were cool. we rocked it with the door open

if they listened in around 4am, kc just loved to run to the rack, grab the “loverboy” vinyl, and, throwing all the slides to the top, blast out “everybody’s working for the weekend“, and we’d jump around the studio. by the end of the fall, i stopped going.. but kept sleeping through my wednesday morning chemistry classes. and, like so many stars of our time, my fame and radio career slowly faded away. (one last note: since wmub actually was the only university radio station permitted to broadcast, we were not technically on the radio.. we were webcast. i know..)


2. i don’t shower much.. not because i don’t like to or because there’s some principle about it.. it’s just that i’m usually too tired and lazy to do much about it. sorry excuses, i know.. but when i do jump in there, i take really long showers. personally, there’s little better in this world that being in warm water with nothing to distract you. i like to cup my hands around my ears so the water builds up and, if only for a little, i get to feel like i’m under a huge waterfall. but then i get out and i feel like i’m a freaking onion – my skin peels away for what seems like days. and that’s more embarrassing than any other possible side effects.

please forget about this immediately
please forget about this immediately

3. i hate my teeth. i really do. and i’m extremely paranoid about them. i’m plagued by the fear that i’m going to have more cavities or that i’ll need dentures prematurely or that people are quietly disgusted by my mouth. i’ve worked myself into a pit of depression, true depression, just by standing in front of the mirror, looking into my mouth, into every corner, nook, cranny, and crevice until i’m absolutely certain my jaw will be removed in short order, tossed into the heap as a complete, hopeless waste, and will be replaced by a series of deer hooves. i had braces for three years and a retainer that said “laid back” for another several years (yeah.. it really says that. i still have it if you don’t believe me)

odds are you won't live to see tomorrow
odds are you won't live to see tomorrow

4. i like to pretend sometimes that i’m secret agent or that i’m on a mission from tom clancy. it’s pretty predictable when it’ll happen: it’s almost always late, always in an empty or partially empty building, and always involves me stealing something, typically something (seemingly) worthless. a few examples.. freshman year, bounding around kenyon college in ohio with my girlfriend (a pastor’s daughter no less), we gently tested the doors and, when they gave way, the game was on. i’d move up to a corner, give a quick glance around the turn, and, if was clear (of course it was), i’d dive across the way into the lecture hall. that adventure i left with a professor’s mug and my girlfriend, m, scored a wall clock. actually, we almost got caught. on leaving one building a janitor saw us and struck off towards us. m, with a clock the width of her waist under her jacket, froze. i went to him (mainly to avoid him hearing the inordinately loud the ticking coming from her stomach) and explain i was a prospective student and my friend (a nod to, and a painfully nervous wave from, m) was just showing me around campus. paulo stikes again! and then there were the times jena and i would snoop around the ysu extension building when she should have been working. she was 23, i was 16. we’d walk on the huge tables in the abandoned meetings rooms, then run up to the roof and watch as everyone left. through the semester, we got to be pretty close. typically i’d skip class and hang out with her, she’d answer the phone and, in an annoyed and pretentious tone, transfer or simply hang up on the caller. she had tattoos, warned some kids about special k, and drew sketches of me. she had me over her place once with a bunch of friends.. i think they were confused why she had the young narc, the square over for the evening, wasn’t my mother looking for me (actually, she probably was). i left early (because my mom was looking for me) and we said we’d keep in touch. last i heard she was at osu struggling to get used to columbus and the scene. i keep trying to track her down but.. well, people like her just seem to disappear. which might be for the best anyway..

only now and again..
only now and again..

5. i’m not a smoker.. but i definitely can enjoy a cigarette now and again. now, before you shake your heads, let me emphasize a couple things. one) by now and again i mean that the last smoke i had was this weekend past and the last one before that was more than a year ago. two) i only smoke when i’m very stressed.. or very tired. three) nicotine is an anti-depressant.. so just chalk it up to self-medication. that might also be the explanation for the coffee consumption. and if you’re curious, camel’s, turkish gold are my smoke of choice. they’re actually pretty disgusting.. but they’re what my high school friends insisted on having every time and that just makes the smoke a little more worth it.

6. my senior year of high school, i worked at a waste water treatment plant. believe me, nothing glamarous about this one, carlee can attest to the smell. but, over the course of a summer, you get used to it. i would spend most of the day hanging out, hiding on the third floor, or talking on the phone. now, that sounds like i was a slacker but, while i was definitely slacking, it was an order. the first few days i was there, the full-timers would call me off from the mower or from painting and tell me to chill out, relax, come watch the game. or they’d show me the spots in the maintenance building where the boss would see you. i spent most of the summer sanding and painting pipes in a long, underground tunnel. wasn’t all bad..

read it. really
-the river why by david james duncan. read it. really

i’d listen to music and get lost in the mundane routine of the back-and-forth. it’s a little strange to say (and just plain funny now) but it was then, during that summer underground, that i was the most religiously aware, interested, and faithful. there were many times down there, alone, listening to music, that i felt a connection to something, a movement towards something unseen. and it’s especially funny now since, in looking back on it, that tunnel had horrible ventilation. most days i’d come up with white nostrils.. not subtly white.. like “mom, where’s your nail polish” white. so maybe that had a bit to do with it. that’s not to say i suddenly lost my religion on emerging each evening from the tunnel. in fact, there was a point during my second semester of college, eight months or so later, when i felt a.. a push, a move.. not quite that.. almost an obligation to become a missionary. granted, that lasted all of the walk home. still, it was an important time in it’s own respects, and still is for many of reasons, most of which have nothing to do with religion but with how i react to certain feelings (or perhaps a certain feeling.. it’s interesting to consider that a lot of the past five to seven years have been a shift towards obligations). i haven’t completely abandoned my faith.. it’s just become something more vague, more (i loath the word..) holistic, more abstract.. my friend va calls it a spirituality and i’ve since seen that essence referenced elsewhere, particularly in the river why (here david james duncan specifically calls it “unspiritual spirituality”) . maybe it’s just a fancy, if shorter, way of saying, “taking care of myself physically, mentally, emotionally, and take care of those around me as myself”. if it is, amen.

7. when i was in middle school, i sold pumpkins. lots of pumpkins. literally a ton of pumpkins. my step dad got me into it, wanted to make a young, enterprising fellow out of this fro-headed, awkward, sweater wearing kid. so we loaded up a friend’s old blue truck, balanced the orange orbs delicately, and annoyed anyone unfortunately enough to end up behind us while we drove back to suburbia. we had a corner lot and in the mornings i’d set up with benches, wreathes, calculators, and scales.. and we called it “paul’s perfet pumpkin patch”. and that’s not a typo – my mom, who put together the sign in goodwill, had a bit of an issue with spelling. and so it remained.. perfetly. (i’ll add pictures when i find and scan ’em) to this day, i have to wonder if it didn’t get me more sales, if people didn’t drive by, see me in all my incredible awkwardness, and, taking pity on me, pulled into the drive to pick up their jack-o-lantern to be. truth is, i was running a racket. full on.. it wasn’t price gouging but damn if it weren’t close. it was always funny when, after plopping it on the scale, punching the calculator, and telling them the total, their faces would suddenly change, having realized in the moment that they’ve just been had. paulo strikes again! ..ok.. it wasn’t that intense but they were pretty expensive pumpkins and profits did go down as i got older and “cute” was replaced with “pitiful” and was eventually completely substituted with “sad”. but it was fun.. and tiring.. and kept my parents out of my untamed hair for many a fall afternoon.

alright.. that was a stretch. and it’s late (surprise surprise). so here’s the next round of suckers:

jb and jenn

..umm.. ok, i’m going to have to work on the other three. but for now, you’ll live.

a report from midnight news..

if you’ve spoken with me, you know i have a thing for puns. it’s starting to show itself as something more of a handicap, though. and the more i hear/watch television, the more i believe puns are funny only to the dorky white guys that make them.

it’s ridiculous to hear people talking about the “loss of life”. “seventeen people lost their lives today..” do you think these people are out there roaming the highway, slapping their foreheads saying, “damn it! where the hell did i put that thingy?” a fault.. a fault..

like with my grandmother. i don’t know how many times i’ve heard “i’m sorry for your loss.” it’s not as if we don’t know where she is.. in fact, we know exactly where she’ll be for a long time. as her grandchild, i was given the chance to place a memento in the casket. when i showed my mother my “gift”, she immediately vetoed it. it was the classic exploding worm from the peanut can. i decided to go with that since i would, as a kid, scare the bejesus out of her. but why shouldn’t i put that in there?! what’s going to happen, that i scare her to death? (don’t worry, i didn’t actually say that)

ok, another one: is anyone a little confused by the headlines “russia invades georgia”? is anyone thinking of the state just west of alabama and wondering if the russian just really want tons of peaches? perhaps to boost exports of peach schnaps..? (yes, i recognize schnaps is german..)

is it just me or does anderson cooper look like he’s trying out for “zoolander 2: more better good looking”?

"Words can only hurt you if you try to read them. Don't play their game."
"Words can only hurt you if you try to read them. Don't play their game."

and by the way, for anyone else that stays up late, an over-the-shoulder organizer.. is a purse!

now the cnn anchors are sharing their myspace pages. the end of the world will follow shortly, i assure you. apparently the facebook url (and yes.. they actually said this).. the facebook url is “too convoluted” to post on the screen. if i see that any of you have “friended” a cnn anchor without being at least their second cousin, then i disown you as a friend. and i will subsequently remove you from my linkedin profile, which is a professional and respected site for grown up business purposes only and isn’t a thin veil for the nerds of the social networking scene who want in to the cool crowd but just can’t hack it (that pun, by the way, wasn’t intended.. 😉 ).

no one is the savior they would like to be..

originally from june 16

it starts out with a promise made of smoke and all this frustratingly frantic anxiety spills over up and out to rid myself of the punctuation that holds me back daily so put it to task and lay it on the line for the world lives on a wire and change crumbles all the beautiful buildings you dreamt of from your youth like when you saved your broken tooth in a tissue in the hopes that someone would understand and put it all back in place, back how it was, how you thought it should be but now you can’t deny that you’re going to lose control so put the pedal down, press it to the ground and let everyone stare at you while you race on by reckless as a red rat on a hat and believe me i’m not here when you’re not there and i moved on long before you thought so when you held out i held on but now that you push off seems sad and bad and like an honest mistake that will take your head underground with a weight you can’t shoulder don’t think i’m talking about you because i’m talking about everyone i’m address if you feel it’s your fault that’s your fault.

red_red.pngthe run-on is my runway because i can’t find the time to write my mind the way i want to it to say, the way i want it to stay on the point of becoming the savior i’ll never be and though i might be in one piece doesn’t mean you should find peace apart from that because i’ve been running on headlong into a future around a bend in a grey road that’s in a town unknown and i can’t keep this up forever since i have the red blood of the blind souls that can’t see because their eyes are wide shut as the wind whips around their cheeks with windows down and music loud enough to loose control over the parts of itself that define it’s heart so the violin and the voice become the quiet question that haunts you silently raging its raspy riddle over your sleepless heart and you lose gravity for moment and think you might set off for the stars as you start over the hills and through the hollars that no one knows about but you and the red fox by the stream that can’t see its fate in the headlines of the father so i’ll fall to the ground like the fledging bird after the storm that no one saw on the horizon but everyone knew was right above them.

good_night.pngi wasn’t there when you weren’t here so don’t look at me that way when i tell you to go because i followed all the rules and traced all the lines only to find you were biding your time and now the change leaves me feeling strange like i should have a word that glues this broken pictures back to the bleeding heart but there are a million words in every eye and i can’t read them all for you to tell you what the meaning is to each.

christ came back to take it all away since we were knocking on the door again asking for instructions on how to live like the flowers by the lake where a boy with a coin stands on the forgotten corner of the dusty dirt road where our ghosts will live one day soon next to the resurrection fern that browned and burned and fell into the ashes of lost hope.

i can’t step back and can’t slow down and can’t get my feet off the ground when i reach for what i once thought was vital and important and i held it once to my face like the hair of a lover long asleep but should you circle the ground where i’m not around, you won’t find me there waiting for the next big thing because i’m casting these mooring lines that i’ve tied so tightly around my neck that i can’t move forward without stepping back to catch my breath and scare the life out of myself because i’m living and planning for the death and not the life i live today, not after i sold it all to the lonely old man in the carriage home on the backstreets of a distant dream.

dance in my blood because this cut is deep and the wine is red with blood as i drink it down and live because tomorrow we’ll all die and you’ll see that i’m not the lies i wear on my face and i’m not the boy you thought you knew when we slid through the snow and sang to ourselves in white wonder of each other and you touched my cheek and i spoke your thoughts but you couldn’t take back your awkward admittion and i couldn’t take my acceptance and make them a prayer for you.

table_top.pngyou won’t do this to me again because you’ve all done it to me before and you couldn’t hold to your philosophy only a loose hypocrisy because it’s all too easy to sell yourself out to the open door so you’ll never give yourself justice and you’ll never feel the power of forgiveness because we’re all as guilty as sin and i won’t let you off, not in front of me, because even the rainbow crow sings for joy after burning for the warmth of all and i, too, will know what it means to be free of you and this weight and pain because i’ve dried the rain and seen the house on the coast where there is nothing in front of me and only a cool chill behind and i can be where my heart is so don’t think that my roof means it’s my home, that this door opens to my thoughts, that where i live is where i want to be because i still don’t know where that is except for a vague, passing feeling that happens when i’m loud with and the music blends into the horizon of burning suns and clouds that sleep silently above the tree tops that are higher than you’ll ever be and the rainbow crow whose colors burn brighter for the sacrifice it made.

the geometry of a boy..

this post made sense to me several days ago.. not so sure about it anymore..

you ever feel like there’s a little squeaky voice in your head? i do.. does that make me weird?

despite a rather enticing opportunity once, i never really pursued it. and i think that starts off this thought process below.. namely, about the kind of person running this show. mostly because that decision had two paths. one: a little crazy, incredibly challenging, an amazing compliment, and way outside my comfort zone. the other: ..err.. i guess it was financial in the end. (none of that is to say i regret my decision.. despite my mind’s wanderings and the occassional “yeah.. but what if..”s, i wouldn’t trade what i’ve come away with from my decision for most anything)

so, to put this in some terms that i enjoy, i’m going to consider all this slightly mathematically..

huh?i feel sometimes as though there are two people in here, in this “soul carrying around a corpse” (epictetus). there is the one who loves euclidean geometry.. that is, straight lines, predictable behaviors, logical conclusions, axiomatic frameworks.. congruency, parallels, and postulates. this person loves stability, control, consistency. slopes are known and can be forecast well ahead of time. there are no contradictions, no exceptions, no surprises.. given a sharp pencil and a quality compass, this person could declare themselves god. and sometimes they even believe that..

but then, on the other side, is the one who lives on the edge of math and philosophy early in the 20th century. this child walks the sharp line with the europeans, the wild-eyed germans, the calm pipe-smoking dutch, the always revolutionary french. this boy lives with chaos and uncertainty and lives in the wide-open spaces between the atoms and the possibilities. keep tightening a loop in space and you’ll eventually come to a point. is the cat in schrodinger’s box alive or dead? ..or both? ..what would you see on a train moving the speed of light? ..why can i know the position of an object but not the velocity.. or the velocity and not the position? that these questions don’t have answers (yet) thrills the child of chaos. talk about wave and particle theory and, though he couldn’t really understand the details, he’d still rocket through the roof in a burst of quantum exuberance. yes, partly because this kid is a complete and utter nerd.. but more so because this edgy heart realizes what all this means – that there is no measure to.. well, anything.

there are two pieces here, two competing voices..
the one, a narcissus or an emil, a father: planned, ordered, concise, practical, level.
the other, a goldmund or a demain, a son: unpredictable, unpredictable, infinite, unpredictable, impassioned.

mr. calculatedmost of the time, i let the father in me win. most decisions by me are considered, weighed with a near scientific zest for accuracy (and the inevitable uncertainty), given time to grow (and fester), and finally, when the more certain path for success or safety is found (or the most conservative one is settled for), i’ll cautiously start putting the parts in motion.

..but every once in a while the son screams, jumps wildly off the little horse, and tears through the woods on the path taken by none, the one untread, unestablished, unconsidered.. and he stops in an opening to make a snow angel just to be a little extra ridiculous. every once in a while, when the father wants to discuss kant and the critique of pure reason, the son slaps his hands on his ears and yells a lung-full of “i kant take it anymore“, looks up to see the effects of such an awful play on words, and falls to the floor bent over double, clutching his stomach with painful belly laughs racking his body.

crazy kidsthis boy asks questions, sometimes loudly, while i’m clicking away all day: “what are you doing this for? who cares about this? what if you left.. not in a few weeks but right now? why haven’t you seen the world? do you think you’ll have more time later in life? do you not understand the fierce urgency of ‘now‘? are you happy with your situation? no, i mean it, really? what if you really were a book? do you think i’d read about you? come on.. get a move on living! if you don’t give me a voice, a real voice, i’ll eventually fade away.. and what will you be then?”

there’s trouble with this boy, though.. or, at least, that’s what the father tells me. the father tells me that living off the cuff is romantic.. but ill-advised. he tells me, realism bleeding from his chest, that living in the moment is, by definition, short-lived. the long-term effects are another story all-together and consistently ignored by the child who refused to believe that space and time are definite structures. a child’s heart, mind, and knowledge, he tells me, like the boys stature; small and awkward. and, the father tells me, not all energy is good, for this child has often been the force behind the destructive energy that sometimes overwhelms the traveling pair.

so what about the geometry? well, geometry has greek roots: geo = earth, metria = measure. and since you could make a few transferences – earth = world congruent to.. our perception – you can say that geometry is the measure of what we perceive. i don’t know if it works but i think the idea behind it: i think it’s always good to put our perspective(s) into perspective. personally, i’m starting to see that my perspective(s) have been somewhat more limited than i originally considered.. they haven’t explored this other world, the world of (infinite) possibility enough.. the world of chance and risk. and it’s not that i don’t know how i feel about that, i do: i don’t like it one bit.. but there’s that father in me – “you don’t want that world. think about and plan for the future. make the safe choice and you won’t get burned.”

i’m not going to go out there tomorrow and turn everything on its head.. but i’m going to at least let the boy have his words.

i’ve been odd

and i know i’ve been odd..

so what’s holding you back? no, i’m not talking about kentucky’s seatbelt campaign.. i’m asking, as directly as possible, what’s holding you back? back from being/doing/thinking/saying/having/feeling exactly what you want..?

lately, if you haven’t noticed, i’ve been odd. there are, of course, plenty of excuses as to why.. but really only one reason: i’ve let myself get there, let myself need to be back on the living room couch to huddle under my blue afghan, trying to recite some mantra in hopes that it will mystically make things right in my soul.

now, i recognize that i can be overly romantic and/or dramatic at times but i do, sometimes, need to sink into my irrational fits of despair. maybe it’s a way of getting my dose of perspective.. i don’t know.. but i’ve got my phone call from buddy. and it’s time to get off the bed, go outside, and get to work.

salinger, the reclusefrom salinger’s franny and zooey

Franny shrieked, “Will you shut up, please?”

In just a second, in just a second. You keep talking about ego. My God, it would take Christ himself to decide what’s ego and what isn’t. This is God’s universe, buddy, not yours, and he has the final say about what’s ego and what isn’t. What about your beloved Epictetus? Or your beloved Emily Dickinson? You want your Emily, every time she has an urge to write a poem, to just sit down and say a prayer till her nasty, egotistical urge goes away? No, of course you don’t! But you’d like your friend Professor Tupper’s ego taken away from him. That’s different. And maybe it is. Maybe it is. But don’t go screaming about egos in general. In my opinion, if you really want to know, half the nastiness in the world is stirred up by people who aren’t using their true egos. Take your Professor Tupper. From what you say about him, anyway, I’d lay almost any odds that this thing he’s using, the thing you think is his ego, isn’t his ego at all but some other, much dirtier, much less basic faculty. My God, you’ve been around schools long enough to know the score. Scratch an incompetent schoolteacher–or, for that matter, college professor–and half the time you find a displaced first-class automobile mechanic or a goddam stonemason. Take LeSage, for instance– my friend, my employer, my Rose of Madison Avenue. You think it was his ego that got him into television? Like hell it was I He has no ego any more–if ever he had one. He’s split it up into hobbies. He has at least three hobbies that I know of–and they all have to do with a big, ten-thousand-dollar workroom in his basement, full of power tools and vises and God knows what else. Nobody who’s really using his ego, his real ego, has any time for any goddam hobbies.” Zooey suddenly broke off. He was still lying with his eyes closed and his fingers laced, quite tightly, across his chest, his shirt-front. But he now ground his face into a deliberately pained expression–a form, apparently, of self-criticism. “Hobbies,” he said. “How did I get off onto hobbies?” He lay still for a moment.

Franny’s sobs, no more than partly muffled by a satin pillow, made the only sound in the room. Bloomberg was now sitting under the piano, on an island of sunshine, rather picturesquely washing his face.

so are you using your real ego? do you even know what it is?

–sorry, yet another big thought condemned to incompleteness 😉