coffee can

when i was grinding some coffee in my office the other day, the smell of fresh coffee filled the air and started to soak into my skin. for a second i was annoyed and thought about how i’d be like a caffeine addicted pigpen, walking around with a cloud of coffee fumes surrounding me and dragging my burlap coffee sack behind me. but then i realized how happen that made me and how much i couldn’t care less if i reaked of coffee for the rest of the day. i dug my hands into the beans and hoped someone would comment later as i shook their hand.
i love coffee
anyway, it got me to thinking about should’s and could’s as they relate to work. personally, i can’t think of anything much better than owning and working at my own coffee shop. i know i’ve romanticized the coffee scene a bit much.. but i’m pretty sure i’d love it. i think i’d still say that my favorite job so far was working for the uptown bakery. the smell, the food, the people.. it was too much fun, really. and i know it doesn’t really count since it was in the summer but i never got bogged down with questions about purpose or responsibility or missions.. i really just “was” at the shop.

if anything can break me out of this rut, maybe coffee can 😉

get it? that’s punny! 😉