
tilessomeone got it! or at least, someone finally vocalized that they understood.. and it made me so happy to read it.

my friend p’s blog has a great title. this mosaic. i was just thinking about it and how brilliant it is and how life is a big mosaic of all of your loves and experiences and whatnot. life is art. what a lovely thought.

admittedly, i had a smile plastered to my face when i read that.. especially since it reminded me of why i chose “thismosaic”. there are more than a few times in my life when i have a pretty significant amount of time to myself, usually while driving to go climb. during those drives, i get the chance to think about life and all the little pieces that make it up.. and i love it. so many people, so many different things that might break in here and there.. and they all fit to make some bigger picture i tend to call “my life”. it’s always changing, always shifting, always surprising, tiles and pieces always being added.. there’s something unspeakably grand about it all..

unfortunately, i lost that smile later on in the post. it’s not that any of it was a surprise: i’d known the basics for a while. what got me was that i’ll again be losing friends to a move. these guys have been nothing short of amazing.. as a small example of a larger trend: for christmas, they invited me to (the family) dinner at their house. when i couldn’t make it because i’d come down with a stomach.. thing.. they actually brought the meal to my place. now, i’ve had some pretty great people in my life and some pretty amazing gestures of kindness.. but this ranks right up there among the top.

they’ll be missed around here, there’s no doubt about that.